


The International Centre for Relations & Diplomacy (ICRD) believes in conducting interactive dialogue and providing high calibre research and policy recommendations to its audience. ICRD strives to maintain absolute independence while delivering outputs and events including its research reports, policy papers, seminars and conferences.

Membership to ICRD elicits various benefits while providing the organisation the means to continue its work. Growing its membership base frees ICRD from tying itself to third-party funding, which is why it encourages member support.

Please find below our current membership categories:

Basic Membership

Basic membership starts at £20/month entitlingmembers to a raft of analysis across ICRD focus areas.

Basic membership benefits:

– Periodic newsletters.

– Exclusive weekly briefings.

– Hard copy policy papers and reports.

– Transcripts and recordings of events.

Full Membership

Full membership startsat £80/month, which entitles members to all the benefits of a basic subscription in addition to free access to ICRD seminars and conferences.

Full membership benefits:

– Periodic newsletters.

– Exclusive weekly briefings.

– Hard copy policy papers and reports.

– Transcripts and recordings of events.

– Free attendance at ICRD seminars.

– Free attendance at ICRD conferences.

Make a Donation

If you want to contribute to the work of ICRD without becoming a member, you can make a donation of any amount.

Your donation will help fund ICRD carry out cutting edge research and communication dissemination activities to help inform recommendations to its partners. This will help ICRD fulfil its mission to place rights and democracy at the heart of government relations and international diplomacy.

All donations are unconditional and cannot influence the work of the organisation.

To support the work of ICRD get in touch at so we can send you details of how to become a member or make a donation.
