ICRD Seminars: Brexit In Focus: The Rights of European Citizens in the UK after Brexit
The International Centre for Relations & Diplomacy (ICRD)
invites you to a public seminar
hosted by
Tom Brake MP
Brexit in Focus: The Rights of European Citizens in the UK after Brexit
This event seeks to look at the current negotiation between the UK and the EU to reach a deal and how European citizens in the UK and British citizens in Europe have been affected in the process. It will look at the government’s approach to Brexit and how best to ensure the process takes place in the spirit of democracy. Three confirmed speakers will join ICRD and Tom Brake MP to present on current concerns, followed by an open discussion with the rest of the audience.
Seminar Chaired by:
• Tom Brake MP
Sameh Habeeb
Director, ICRD
Introduction from ICRD
Gina Miller
Founding Partner, SCM Direct
Ensuring Brexit is legal and democratic
Dimitri Scarlato
Representative of The 3 Million campaign
Citizens’ rights after Brexit
Tony Bunyon
Director of Statewatch
Overview of Security and Justice in the EU
Date: 27 March 2018
Time: 18:30-20:30
Location: Committee Room 12, House of Commons
Book Your Seat by emailing us at: